
This year began with the hope of a different outlook than 2020.  This year allowed us several new beginnings including an opportunity to change our personal focus, and a chance to set some things straight in our lives that were dysfunctional. We are currently more than halfway through this promising year. Look at your personal walk and ask yourself a question…have you grown? We turn on the news and all we hear is information about a dysfunctional society, hatred, dying and a lot of lying. It is exhausting. Even the Christian arena is showing how dysfunctional it is.

We yelled momentum this year. What is momentum to me? It is increasing my prayer life to get back on the road to my personal destiny and getting closer to where God wants me.  Momentum is increasing my online services to hear more of the word. Momentum should be challenging me to seek God’s desires over my own. It includes more searching the scriptures instead of opinions and turning from my will to God’s will. 

Now we are planning to gather amongst each other. We have all changed, but did we UNLOCK a new person by INNOVATION and become the person God was asking of us so that we can begin the journey of becoming? Are we moving closer to our BE through our personal challenges in this time of isolation and distress?  Did you use your time to increase your relationships and your ear to hear his voice?  Did you use this time to self-evaluate?

Momentum is motion and requires energy.  You cannot stay in the old places and expect newness and revelation. Momentum requires heart, passion and most definitely movement.  It requires a willingness to go forward and adjust yourself accordingly.  Momentum can be exhausting but He will give you rest; all we have to do is listen to his voice when he tells us to rest.  Momentum can be noisy and filled with life and its distractors, but in Him you will find peace. Most of all, should you stay the course and keep your focus, your reward will be the continued joy of the Lord.

There is still time to get your momentum going. In this new space, I had to personally ask, “Where do you want me God? Where is my place in the Kingdom? Where do you need me in this innovated space?” Those are just a few of the questions and I am now starting to hear the answers through his word, personal messages and lots of conversations through prayer.  You too will have to ask the hard questions and accept the new answers.  This momentum we are asking for will require faith in God, patience in ourselves and most of all focus.

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